Beeswax Conversion
The original and still the best!
We provide a beeswax conversion service: Peter Kemble was the first to introduce a conversion service to the UK. Bring or send us your old rendered beeswax in exchange for fresh milled, wired and unwired foundation. Please contact us for details.

How does beeswax conversion work?
If you have clean, rendered beeswax we can exchange foundation for it in one of two ways:
We take in your wax and give you foundation of the same weight in return. For this we charge £2.05 per pound and £1.50 per ten sheets for wiring, if required.
Return carriage charges are shown here, along with the average numbers of sheets per pound.
e.g. 10 lbs of beeswax will make 80 sheets of B.S. brood. The charges would be £20.50 for conversion plus £12.00 for wiring
We can allow £5.00 per pound against purchases from our price list.
e.g. – Bring 10 lbs of beeswax and it will be worth £50.00 against purchases of foundation (not other items on our list). Wired B.S. Brood is £15.20 per ten sheets so you would receive 33 sheets.
You will receive less than the weight of wax you deliver because we are taking in some of your wax as payment for working the remainder into foundation.
To avoid return packing and courier costs it is best to call in for this service, if you can. contact us to arrange a time and day before you come.